Configure the Additional Information Tab

Core HR Administrators configure the Total Talent Profile Additional Information tab on the Additional Information Tab Configuration screen. Here administrators can drag and drop fields into rows.

To configure the Additional Information tab, the Additional Information Configuration feature must be enabled for your group. On the Features screen (Administration » Global Settings » System Administration » Features), click Core HR » Total Talent Profile » Additional Information » Additional Information Configuration.

To configure the fields on the Additional Information tab:

  1. Open the Additional Information Tab Configuration screen by clicking Administration » Core HR » Additional Information Tab.
  2. Click the Edit icon D:\Sylvia Files\WIP\TODO\HRsmart\HRsmart Icons\edit.png in the Actions column for the section you want to edit.
    The Edit Form displays.
  3. Drag and drop fields from the list of available acquisition fields on the left to the workspace area on the right. Available acquisition fields are organized into sections. If you have created custom fields, they display at the bottom, in the Additional Information tab section.
    • Any fields already in use are disabled in the Available Fields list, including fields that belong to a Field Block that has been added to the section.
    • If you plan to use Self-Service Administration for this tab, and you need to configure different processes for different fields, for example approvals required for some fields and not for others, be aware that Self-Service processes are defined by section, and not by field. You may want to group all fields that require the same Self-Service process on the same section.
  4. If desired, add additional rows by clicking the Add Row button.
    A row is added to the bottom of the workspace. You can drag and drop rows to re-arrange and click the Delete Row button to remove the row and return all fields to the list of available fields.
  5. After you have finished configuring the form, click one of the following options:
    • Save and Continue Editing: Click this to save the form in its current state and continue editing the form.

    • Save: Click this to save the form in its current state and return to the Additional Information Tab View screen.

    Any changes made are immediately updated in all Additional Information tabs, wherever the section is visible.